19.5.2018 19:00
– 21.5.2018 5:00 (Pfingstwochenende)

Dear makers,
club and label managers,
music journalists,
and activists,

RHIZOM festival enters the second round: The festival is the collaborative effort out of Zurich’s alternative electronic scene and is taking place this year from May 19 through 21 again at Rote Fabrik in Zurich. There is already quite a bit of information out there: the association’s charta, our manifesto and this year’s program and lineup.


We would like to invite you to take part in the festival’s gathering-apéro on Saturday, May 19 (from 19:00 – 21:00 at Dock18, Rote Fabrik, Zürich) – a meet and greet to chat about the state of the Swiss scene, to connect and make plans for further creation.

Please sign up for the gathering-apéro and the open slots until Wednesday, May 16th by sending an email to rhizom@rhizomfestival.ch.

This year we’d also like to offer you the possibility to add your input to our platform. Right after the gathering-apéro we provide 15-minute-slots for your creative input, your presentation, your experiment. If you’d like to participate and use a / some slot(s), we would be happy to receive a short description of your work, your need for time, space and infrastructure, a link to your homepage and your phone-number. The inscriptions are treated first come, first served.

Thank you + see you soon, hopefully
RHIZOM festival / VAZEM association


Sa. 19-21 h: treffen der aktivisten und macher aus dem bereich der alternativen elektronischen musik-szene der schweiz „gathering“ (die einladung hierzu haben wir auch dir geschickt)

Sa. 21-01 h: wir stellen den zum „gathering“ geladenen frei bespielbare slots zum experimentieren, präsentieren, kreieren, diskutieren zur verfügung

Sa/so 02-05 h: der raum wird vom RHIZOM-kollektiv mit musik bespielt

So. 17-21 h: live-jam (eine gruppe musiker jam spontan zusammen > es wird mit heftig mit allerhand analoger gear gespielt und gemäss dem krautrockprinzip kreiert

So/mo 02-05 h: der raum wird vom RHIZOM-kollektiv mit musik bespielt