D18 Art&Tech Show #December 22

The evening starts as usual with an apero followed by presentations & performances with projects that Dock18  supports and accompanies 22/23. Artists, engineers, scientists, designers and musicians present what they are working on, programming, testing and developing. Prototypes from the labs, studios and media workshops to touch, interact and participate followed by two live electronic concerts.

18-20 Apero + 3D exhibition with contributions by Arthur Neznanow, Aurelia Fischli, Michel Fornasier, Alex Schläppi, Peter Baracchi, Mario Purkathofer, Oliviero Gorza, Bob Bicknell-Knight, Nadia Vetsch, Max Grüter, Eileen Ilona Anouk Good, Mickry3, Reto Schläppi, Friedrich Glauser, Pablo Boscardini, Valentina Shipovskaya, Andreas Peschka, Birgit Matter, Florian Merkur, Elisabetha Bleisch, Claudio Zopfi, Hans X and Bergit Hillner.

20-22 Talks, presentations, performances, screenings and games with Nilware.io, Chanceline Ngainku, Markus Leutwyler, Schagir Moor (Vadim Levin & Alexey Arkhipov), Antarctica Team, VCF and Digitale Gesellschaft.

22-24 Concerts with Omega Attraktor and Flipfloater.
Open until 2.

Supported by D18 Live TV Lab.

Livestream (20-24)


December, 8th 22

18.00-20.00 Apero + Exhibition
20.00-20.20 Intro & News (Bits ’n Bolts, Urban Dreams, VCF, Netpolitics News …)
20.20-20.40 Chanceline Ngainku: Limbu School Cameroon
20.40-21.00 Markus Leutwyler: AirQuality + CO2
21.00-21.20 3D Exhibition Handlings + Nilware.io
21.20-21.40 D18 Team: Antarctica
21.40-22.00 Schagir Moor, Performance
22.00-22.20 Oleg Lavrovsky: Demoscene
22.20-23.20 Omega Attraktor
23.20-00.20 Flipfloater
open bar till 2.00